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Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2009

Welcome to Sail Bunaken 2009

Come and join in the international event Sail Bunaken 2009 for sharing new experience and exploring the marine beauty along with the marine lovers from all over the world in a spirit of adventure, graced by the marine paradise of Bunaken Sea.

Sail Bunaken 2009 is jointly organized by the Ministry of Marine and Fishery Affairs, Provincial Administration of North Sulawesi, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and Navy Force of Indonesia, supported by the the Directorate General of Immigration and other government institutions.

Sail Bunaken 2009 is the largest event of the year 2009 offers strategic business opportunities for various products and services.

Bunaken National Marine Park

The natural beauty and marine diversity of Bunaken Sea Park in North Sulawesi Utara have long been admired by marine lovers from all over the world, including divers, surfers, tourists through to marine biodiversity researchers!

Make your marine move and join in the international event at the so-called Land of Palm Trees. Your company participation is a significant contribution to the living up of marine love and spirit to show "Jalesveva Jayamahae" (On the Sea We’re Victorious).

Golden opportunities are wide open for you and your esteemed company to take an active part, as well as exploring effective business support and networking.
MORE INFO PLEASE VISIT : http://www.sailbunaken2009.com

Senin, 03 Agustus 2009

SocialSafe: Get Your Facebook Data Out of Facebook

Quick Pitch: SocialSafe is an effective, fun new application enabling Facebook users to manage their Facebook data offline on their home computer.

Genius Idea: Who owns your Facebook data? It’s a question that seems to make its way around the blogosphere every time Facebook changes their Terms of Service or someone’s account is deleted (with or without cause).

Regardless of who owns it (Facebook says you do), from a user experience, it’s almost impossible to get everything you put in to Facebook back out. SocialSafe, however, is a utility that helps you back up your Facebook account on your computer, keeping your data in your hands at all times.

After you pay the $2.99 fee via PayPal (I paid for it to test it out), SocialSafe will send you a license key and info on how to download and install the Adobe AIR desktop application. Once installed, you’ll be prompted to use Facebook Connect to access your account, after which you can opt to download your profile, friends, photo albums, and photos you’re tagged in. Once you’ve adjusted your settings, click to download and SocialSafe will grab your Facebook data in about five minutes or less (it took 2:06 for me).

After the download, you can use SocialSafe to get a desktop view of everything you selected to download. Content is organized by photos in their appropriate albums, friends in an address book of sorts, and your profile information as it appears online. The only thing that seems to be missing is your Facebook activity, and we hope to see SocialSafe find a way to give us the ability to download our status updates, comments, and the like.

The really nice thing about SocialSafe is that it works as a really cheap way to backup your Facebook account. Should you ever want to leave Facebook (if you can get past the guilt trap), or your account is deleted without warning, you have access to your friends, your photos, and the meat of your Facebook profile on your computer. It’s a small price to pay for relationships and photos that you’ve spent years building and acquiring through Facebook

Google Voice Thoroughly Banned From the iPhone; So Much for an Open Platform

We’ve seen Apple ban applications from the App Store for all sorts of ridiculous reasons. This time, it’s different; all Google Voice related apps were banned from the app store, and this time Apple – or, more likely, AT&T – has a very good reason to ban them: it’s scared of them.

Google Voice lets you do a lot of stuff for free that the AT&T charges for; you can place free calls in the US, you can send and receive free SMS messages. The application is still in beta, invite only stage, but several cool applications that use the service already exist for the iPhone. Sean Kovacs, the developer of GV Mobile, has said on his site that Apple has rejected the application. From his site:

“Richard Chipman from Apple just called – he told me they’re removing GV Mobile from the App Store due to it duplicating features that the iPhone comes with (Dialer, SMS, etc). He didn’t actually specify which features, although I assume the whole app in general.”

Other similar applications, such as VoiceCentral and GVDialer, have also been banned. And Google only has an official Google Voice app for the Android and BlackBerry; now, they’ve admitted that they don’t have an iPhone app because Apple said “no”.

The reason? The application(s) is too similar to iPhone’s own functionality. Like so many other Apple’s app rejection reasons, this one rings phony as well. If nothing that’s similar to functions and features iPhone already has can get approval, then no VoIP apps should be allowed. Also no camera-related apps, like Pro Camera. Fring? It lets you place calls, and send free messages, which is similar to SMS, right? Why is that OK, then?

Let’s call a spade a spade here. There can only be one reason for thoroughly banning Google Voice from the iPhone: AT&T, like every mobile operator, is scared of apps that replicate their own services. But by banning an app such as Google Voice from the iPhone, Apple and its partner are setting a dangerous precedent. If the developers cannot be certain that Apple will provide them a fair, free marketplace, they will move elsewhere: to Android and Pre. After all, why create for a locked-down platform where the owners take the cake and all you’re allowed to get is leftovers?

Apple and AT&T need to make a decision: is the iPhone their playground, or everyone’s playground? If it’s the former, that’s OK, but they shouldn’t get upset if no one wants to play with them.